Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Interiors from "Velocity" project.

More images from the second week of shooting interiors. After looking at the footage from the first week I am making some changes to the way I am shooting on both sides of the set. I want the images from her side to be more low key and full of shadows and the images from his side to be more full of soft, indirect light. 
This week my actress, Amy Moore is off on a residency in North Carolina. I am using the time to build the set for the telegraph office and prepare the graphics and text elements for close-ups. I did however, shoot some good material near the Ipswich River with Grant two days ago. This was the first 200 ft. load through the recently acquired Eclair ACL 1.5. My first tests in this camera were very good and I am encouraged that I can begin using this much lighter and smaller camera for the exterior shots.
Next week I hope to finish the interior shots. I trust that Amy will return inspired to move and make the characters actions expressive of her impatience and restlessness. This will be played against the male characters slow-ness and deliberate-ness. I hope it's not just a simple comparison but that the images will demonstrate the complexity of each characters state of mind.

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